2008-01-16 // 01:28:32

Oh I do love this.
It is a nice contemplative scene. Very quiet. Conducive to deep thought, or else just staring thoughtlessly off into space.
I am particularly fond of the amber glass that is almost though not quite behind the curtain.
Reminds me a little bit of rabbitandsparrow’s work.
Yes, very calming. But now I am waiting for some little apache to accidentally throw an ice ball—sling zing smash!—through the window. (Wasn’t Calvin & Hobbes set in Ohio?) So I am on edge.

The Dirty Queen City? She does not believe in bathtubs? Cakes on more layers of perfume instead?

Which totally reminds me, this summer when the windows are left wide open thanks to the sweltering heat, Lynda's (my apartment-mate, this is her window, how nice to make your acquaintance) ex-boyfriend threw in a firework at our feet and scared us half to death.

That was his crazy period. He is a tattoo artist and I lamented their breakup because now I can't get a free tat if I ever want one. In white ink.


2008-01-15 // 11:24:32
Light like this is to die for! The orange/brown bottle really stands out in such a natural way. A calming polaroid. Thank you!
Haha, that's exactly what my boyfriend said! He even congratulated me on "drawing his eye through such a calm photo." Although the brightness of the orange was just a happy occurence.

Thank you to YOU.

2008-01-15 // 10:18:54
A lovely shot.
Lovely but cold. Today my hair froze on my walk to school while emulsion froze on my coat. Silly me, camera out in the middle of snowfall

2008-01-14 // 23:18:40
what an amazing moment
My housemate witnesses it every winter morning. My view is not so nice.