2008-01-15 // 17:35:51
I'm watching all your pola, and I really love your work... The atmosphere, lost between fun and memories... past and present... thanks for all!

Just a question :do you know where I can find/buy Sx 70 films?

thank you very much. it's great to know that somebody sees what i wanted to show :o)

I can't really help you with sx70 film. the only packs i got were from unsaleable.com but they run out of stock now. i guess you can still find it on ebay but it's terribly overpriced there.

thank you for stopping by.

2008-01-15 // 14:15:23

I was referring to the term in popular culture (and I personally refuse to use it for that - for that reason).

somebody once said (unfortunately I don't know who) that culture is that, what will rest.

allright, back to this house now. and no offend to amcn meant. just to 'gothic' when it's not gothic or it is but shouln't be because it's not. language is loosing words. but should enrich. like old houses speak silent, but strong, with every brick. new houses mostly don't. blabbering phrases, provocations probably forgotten in nearly future. mostly even before the short half-life period of them is over.

yes, yes, you're so right. and i'm glad you share my love and respect for the old buildings. There so much dignity and beauty in them. But also dolor, like in people who experienced a lot. Too much pain to be able to talk about. Like my grandfather who never said a word about the second war and after being asked was on the verge of tears. These buildings are full of sadness also because they seem to belong to the disappearing world; in the world of young sassy buildings there are just no place for them. And in Warsaw, where 85% of the city was destroyed during the second war, you can see these old timers look especially lonely.

2008-01-15 // 12:57:40
it's funny how eras (and meanings of words) get mixed up in modern culture just because nobody has a living contact with it. gothic. aha.

anyway. could stand in riga, this one. guess you were waiting for me saying that :o)
glad to see you also had pale blue sky

she refered to the literary term, i guess.
but anyway, the building comes from the early 19th century. ok. shh.

it could stand in Riga, yes. was i waiting fot you to say that, i don't know. i'm always waiting for you to say things. specially, when they make sense :o)))

2008-01-15 // 11:17:00
this is wonderful, its reminiscent of all the old houses you read in mystery and gothic novels.
i love buildings like that, they're full of charm. and even i'm not a gothic girl i'd love to live in a place like that.

thank you!