2008-01-21 // 23:35:30 g. works well, adds to the atmosphere. My guess is it was cold? 690 normally is a film i don't like that much if expired, the colourshift is too different and yellowish or reddish (not my taste) but combined with this blue I think I should use my old stack for nightshots in the cold - if the blue is coming (or got enhanced) due to the cold?
thanks for sharing!
In my opinion the blue get quite enhanced by the cold, and this is a fact, but even in the same pack I've got quite relevant differences between the film sheets...some of them come out like this pic , some others totally yellowish without significant variations due to temperature variations...
2008-01-21 // 16:00:47 POLA665 It's exactly this kind of pictures which reminds me that "color" exists...
Congrats master!
...thanks a million, the words of a such good photographer as you makes me really glad - I love your always stunning BWs! - ....for this pic, I think we should praise the quite-long-time- expired film :D
2008-01-21 // 14:06:44 inkaust great result for not so expired film. i have a couple of 690 packs but will wait because they 'too fresh'. it's worth waiting (as we see here).
yeah, but I think it depends also on storage methods...my films weren't stored in fridge, so I think that this accelerated the expiring process...but in this case the risk is that the emulsion gel could eventually dry if not preserved at low temperature, and then the films become useless....I've had a lot of problems in this sense with expired filmpacks because they were kept for long time - two or more weeks - at the italian custom depot (I used to buy 'em in the USA) and when they finally arrived, the gel was completely dried, and i lost patience, money & time....because of that experience, now I usually buy filmpacks only in Europe...
2008-01-21 // 14:04:16 SteveTilbury Wow! I don't do the wow often, this is a stunning shot, I will be looking at lots, beautifully eerie, reminds me of old hammer horror films if that doesn't sound to odd! love the 350 and expired film...
thank you vey much for your "wowing", it's much appreciated :D....and I think your horror film paragon it's more than acceptable! :D
2008-01-21 // 13:50:11 inkaust so simple but beautiful and haunting. great expired effect (how old is the film?).
...thank you very much...the film has expired in 2004, and I didn't expect this interesting yellow fading effect....nice surprise :)