2008-01-23 // 22:17:01
dimmi che non l'hai photoshoppata??!!! bella! v+f. (se non lo è...;).)
onestamente, 'na alzatella all'esposizione gliel'ho data (era parecchio sottoesposta), ma il giallino delle 690 scadute è autentico logggiuro! :D

2008-01-22 // 19:24:42
trees, cables, fog, weird colors... all my favorites in one pic :)))

nice evolution in your work... lots of different stuff, lots of different moods, well done mate. votes and favs again - sorry to lazy to leave a note in each one of them :p

...thanks a million, pal! I'm feeling quite immaginative in this period, I feel a sort of "affinity" with these winter days....your appreciations are always welcome ;-)

BTW...I've seen your last uploads, and I like a lot your vagons and railways shots...

2008-01-21 // 18:22:33
Nice shot !!
thanks! ;)