2008-03-01 // 19:20:17 macs an artificial container that contains and protect non-artificial life... love the point of view and the low light to high light from left to the yellow left corner.
2008-02-13 // 18:19:06 petitescargot wow :clap: ;)
2008-01-28 // 16:22:23 Norah.Goldenbogen ooooooooooh what a beauty! it's weird how simple geometric forms seem to satisfy me.
2008-01-28 // 16:21:29 uncleslappy38 this needs to be sotd. great work.
2008-01-26 // 10:37:29 LATELIERp this one is excellent. vote.
2008-01-25 // 21:42:10 arturo fantastic!!!! Amazing!!!! v,f
2008-01-25 // 19:55:01 vadim j'ai la meme dans mon jardin ;-)