2009-01-27 // 00:10:42
NIce! I've been in that same spot...in January! I didn;t have my Polaroid with my though...the mist was freezing to my sunglasses and camera...Good on you for getting such an amazing development out of this! You must have a very warm jacket...
ha. yeah, when i took this photo it seemed like i was standing at the coldest spot on earth.
it took me two shots to get this one. the first i just slipped into my coat pocket; it turned out completely dark blue. the second shot i took i slipped against my sweather and under my armpit. it developed a bit better that way.

2008-01-28 // 11:13:52
great shot... you can really feel the cold.

2008-01-28 // 01:34:34
i'm interested in your unique angle. so nice.
