2008-06-06 // 22:10:42
j'aime les couleurs et la chaleur qui se dégage du pola.
Le côté mystique, presque chamanique de la chose est envoutant

2008-03-25 // 23:30:02
Beautiful compo!!!

2008-02-27 // 10:29:53
amazing !!!!

2008-02-22 // 19:10:28
amazing. beautiful colors.

2008-02-19 // 18:02:13
Okay that video is hilarious. I love when people just laugh out of control.

She's a trip! It was so contagious...there are a few of my own cackles in the background. It took about ten minutes for her to compose herself for the next start of the interview.

2008-02-19 // 17:33:05
whoa, it is magical, i really love it, this is fantastic....
Thank you =)

2008-02-19 // 09:38:03
Wow. I'm amazed! But I wonder about the placement of the feathers; why not reversed, as an dark angel?
I tried that out, and it looks pretty good as far as compositional elements go...but I just didn't like it as much, strangely! The feathers bothered me from that look, but probably would've been okay if they were lower in the frame.

Here's what I tried out:
1. »link
2. »link

2008-02-19 // 05:44:03
Fun shot.
Thanks! Fun girl to work with, we were interviewing her for a project and she couldn't stop laughing and even say her name at the beginning of the interview »link

2008-02-19 // 03:17:16
nice and trippy triptych, the left and right panels are so fine, they compliment your antlered friend... ;~)
Feathers so fine, they are divine.