2008-02-21 // 19:42:12 orezemit I'll be looking forward to the season 2 posts.
Always nice to see your work in progress.
Will there be any explosives used here?
no, they will jump from above after a runaway in the rooftops
2008-02-21 // 15:57:22 insousciance Moi aussi je veux faire des photos là-bas!! :D
C'est un entrepot SNCF à vitry sur seine. Pas mal de tournages s'y déroulent.
2008-02-21 // 08:38:49 Frederic There is a photographic book which received grants and support by the "Mairie of Paris" for the project production and publishing it was at least 7 or 8yrs ago. This book was about huge empty industrial space of Paris and its area. You may know it maybe...I was impressed by this book.