2008-02-27 // 09:55:49
"this kitchen is dangerous" - yes, it makes people drink a lot and smoke strange stuff (cuban cigars and cigarettes etc), take crazy pictures and behave like lunatics.

did i really say i didn't like myself on the picture? the three we took in the place with loads of old pictures on walls are great (imho). oh, you mean those taken in a., where i was taking pictures standing on a bench (or a table, i'm not sure now :o))?

anyway... i don't mind. upload whatever you like. i'd love to see these pictures again :o)

and soon i'll start uploading mine :o) (is there any you don't like me to?)

p. and a. say hello too. saying s. you probably meant z. :o) i'll see here tonight and deliver the message... these two i'll probably see soon too so will tell them how well they behaved :o)

oh, and mona says hello to kanarin and her relative. i'm glad we left them alone so they could talk about stuff without being disturb.

hau hau from lomo :o)

off to your email now.

2008-02-26 // 22:15:23
what a great start - I hope the next are as magical...
this was in fact the last, 9th, already. 4 are (in my humble opinion), another also but joanna does not like herself on it, one she took (and I don't like _myself_ on it. haha, just joking. will probably upload both), one, hm, I should have known better than to try far away shots with flash. but the situation was just too funny, and I was drunk. and one is completedly wasted (simply forgot I switched off the flash to save the battery of the filmpack) cause I was just too drunk.

but polish recipes for hot longdrinks with honey-wodka are just too tasty ;-)

I'll tell you, this kitchen is dangerous.

2008-02-26 // 15:05:25
of course, the picture is beautiful. and she's a cute little animal. and the film is amazing, the gradual change of tones is a great viewer pleasure.

and of course, it was great to have you all in my kitchen, cherry red volvo and around my places and friends.

this is something i really cannot put into words.

(and i'm glad you used and valued the tripod :o))

hehe, for that you took some polas of me, no? ;-)

me neither. just - say hello. to p. especially.
and sweet a. of course.
and s.
and the two I could have kissed for their greatness not to move while I was framing.
and mona.
no hello to lomo.

ah! krk! a!

2008-02-24 // 01:42:49


i just noticed the 'Part of Projects:' tags...

when (tba) is defined/annonuced may i participate?
or did i get the meaning wrong?
if so just delete this msg.

I don't delete (except people gettin on my nerves -but repeatedly- or being rude -happened once-)
no, in a way you're already in. can't grab it right at the moment, so wrote tba for now. for one, it's about connections, relations, friendships between members here that manifests in off-site emailing, real mailing and links in the work, and, and this is already for the other, it's about real and haptic (fits to polaroid, no?). like real dalecarlian horses. real friendships. real meetings. RIGA.
(I have an idea, some know it already, but can't write it here before discussing it with the museum - which would be the conclusion of the 'tba'. if, it would we grande to have you in.)

2008-02-24 // 01:20:55


she * is * so * beautiful

And this is so lovely it almost hurts a little in my ribcage. Through Kanarin’s eyes, Europe seems very big outside the window.

Kanarin Gazing
Scandinavian Encounter
Kanarin in China

My three favorite picture books when I was a child.

Kanarin. Joanna’s safe kitchen. A nice curtain. Warsaw night lights. Hugh’s advice. A little horse waiting in Hamburg. 600 Zebra film. It’s just perfect, that’s all.

I * am * touched *.


(and -btw..- if your job turn's out - you have hands on these children books to become real. promised. would have to discuss it with her mother yet, but am full of confidence. plus - ah, I like how things fit - she is an graphic designer)

"600 Zebra film". love that.
I * am * touched *.


(and -btw..- if your job turn's out - you have hands on these children books to become real. promised. would have to discuss it with her mother yet, but am full of confidence. plus - ah, I like how things fit - she is an graphic designer)

"600 Zebra film". love that.

2008-02-24 // 00:05:42

Seems we have a 600 b/w duel happening lately.
This is a fine *shot*.

This little creature seems to be floating on a dreamy shoreline.
Making a decision? Ready for a journey? Or just grazing?

Wonderful tip as well g..
(Pay strict attention to the tripod part dear polanoiders.
It really helps if you want a crisp shot like this.)

this is an amazing coincidence indeed, that stefan and I both used this film for the first time at the same moment. and both fell in love.
plus, I traded the film with joster »link for sx-70 and his shots and advices helped me a lot to consider how to use it.
and I was in inkaust's kitchen in warsaw. and it seems these are the first three that will come quiet sure to RIGA for the first transcontinental polanoider-meeting during my exhibition at the latvian museum of photography (not only my polaroids, but also about polaroid itself. feels good all that collecting made sense. feels sad, the first polaroid exhibition in latvia will also -probably- fall together with the final 60th year of polaroid...) but feels even better people come, and come together.

so yes. ready for a journey (kanarin comes with me every time I travel, like your schlexi. and that is quite often. gazing out of the window, for me, always means to be ready for a journey)
just back in hamburg for now to try to work my ass off to finance preparing and getting the whole stuff there (including me for two months).

sidenote: the tripod joanna got recommended from hugh -he was working in a shop and they tested it. stood on it!- is from manfrotto and has the name (and was meant for) DIGI. haha! better and lighter than my berlebach. honestly.