2008-08-26 // 22:11:16
The framing is perfect in this shot! Great great portrait, full of life.
Thank you for your lovely comment. It's nice to get one on an old shot.
I don't think I've seen your gallery. I'll be over soon to have a look round.
Thanks again. You take care.

2008-06-24 // 20:03:10
I can see you

2008-06-24 // 20:03:10
I can see you

2008-03-13 // 15:54:41
all these comments are incredibly amusing. I, however, also find the picture extremely charming.
Hey you. Charming is good, I can handle charming, especially when its from a girl with a lovely dress!!

2008-02-25 // 22:09:38
you see, even edulterado found youre sexy ;);)

2008-02-25 // 22:09:15
yes, very sexy ! almost ... sexual !
(delete it, my bf would not be happy ;)

2008-02-25 // 00:19:17
You're not supposed to say anything : just keep on being sexy;)

2008-02-24 // 23:52:00
yeah, he's kind of sexy this desao;)
Stop it you two, I'm a shy boy and you make me blush! I don't know what to say to such comments!

2008-02-24 // 20:53:41
(stupid comment, but sorry it's what I think when I see this shot !!)

(even if youre smoking.. humhum)

2008-02-24 // 20:52:26
oh, you are both so nice

2008-02-24 // 20:11:24
Oh ! Thanks to stephanies;) I like her a lot myself !
Yes, she's lovely. A true friend, a good friend.

2008-02-24 // 18:09:51
just asking where you've been, dear;)
PS : have you seen my new pix ?

Ah, I see! I just had to go away, my heads gone! there's nothing to inspire me where I currently am, and I got sick off looking at the same shots (of mine) everytime I logged on, and not being able to add anything to them. I'm only back at the request of stephanies.
I haven't seen your new shots, but I'm coming over for a peek right this instant!
Take care,

2008-02-24 // 15:21:46
vf;) t'étais où ?
Thanks for the v+f CG, but you must excuse my ignorance, I don't know what you ask of me?

2008-02-24 // 09:21:54
finaly !!!

2008-02-24 // 03:37:50

Hello, squire.

Music and smoke going into your head at the same time. Wonder what it all looks like inside.

Stefan (who used to be a pear)

Hello stefan (who used to be pear)

How the devil are you son? Where the blazes did you disappear to?
Its bloody grand to have you back anyway.

I imagine it looks a little like a jazz cavern, filled with dry ice. A few stalactites hang from the roof, but only stumps where the stalagmites once grew, eroded away by those fancy jazz dancers and there leather soled footwear. Theres golden skinned, sari clad hostesses offering any beverage you desire. The decor is of golden gods, dancing maidens and gaudy elephants bearing aloft a pampered maharajah. I'm sat in the corner, why not come and join me? You'll know its me, I'm dressed in my Sunday morning finery - A luxurious robe made from crushed insects, fireproof pyjamas, slippers made from hollowed out puppies, and plush, mink lined lip covers. Oh, and as its Sunday, I'll be smoking a pipe, I wouldn't want to break with tradition.

I'll get the drinks in, whats you're poison?

Good to have you back squire.