2008-03-21 // 21:06:15
moi je veux le faire, c'est juergen (jk) qui men a parlé, j'ai pas trop compri en quoi ça consiste ?
mais, "jpeux jouer" ??

haha ..
oui tu peux jouer !
bienvenue !

2008-03-14 // 02:56:07
pour les cocktails et les shaker tu pouvais pas mieux tomber!
y a un rencard qui se profile d'ailleurs....

ouai les petits chanceux français polanoiders vont se tirer le portrait en buvant !!!
dans un mois et demi c le retour ds l'exagone pour moi...si ya d'autres rdv j'en suis !!

2008-03-13 // 16:15:34
cool...il nous manque juste un shaker pour les cocktails....si tu veux bien !

2008-03-08 // 00:57:09
i'm with you!
yeaaaaaah......welco me !

2008-03-01 // 14:49:01
That's funny ! I like this one :)

merci frederic !

2008-02-24 // 14:05:00
i never was good in mathematics, geometrical stuff and things like this... but... i love graphics. this project looks nice. definitely. v+f
join us !!!

:) :) :)

2008-02-24 // 04:05:49
She's up for that. She has a blunderbuss, and wants to know whether or not to bring it along? Just for effect, I don't think she'd use it.
well......nice effect....but we 'll need to act low profil I think...
but she could use it after the hold up...
she could push the automatic button...then run as far as possible to the plane...jump into...and be with us to watch it destroying the factory !!!
big show....
Indy Ma !

2008-02-24 // 03:30:18
Well, my old Ma has a saying.
"If the pilot you're flying with doesn't dig pie,
don't board the plane, and be sure not to fly"
And she's usually right. So, thats a good start anyway.

don't worry about my pilot....yes he loves pies...but not as much as polaroid !!!...
and I can assure you that he will does anything to keep them safe...and free !!!
your old Ma could come too if she wants....
I will book her my best 1st class seat !

2008-02-24 // 03:10:44
I can provide pies and fruit, and I've got some spare boots if needed, size 9.
welcome aboard desao !!!!!!
pies...wouaw...my plane's pilot is gonna be so happy...he loooooves pies !
and for the boots...bring them...we surely find someone who needs a size 9 !!

2008-02-24 // 02:52:27
Ihahha do. Will make sandwiches.

It will be a sunny day.

yes sure it will be a great day....!!!
by the way can you put pickles in your sandwiches....????
I'll bring beers...