2008-03-13 // 09:11:20
it's so beautiful as it is, but don't be afraid to ruin it by lifting it...you are so good with these things...i'm sure you would create a gorgeous image if you did. can you imagine how lovely the emulsion will look floating in the water! i could imagine...make sure you take a picture of it floating if you do lift it!
thankyou Mia :) If i do i'll make sure i take a pic of it floating and upload it to Flickr ;) i think these look even better than the actual transfers! thanks for the kind words, dear.

2008-02-27 // 19:30:15
pretty :)
Attention la robe blanche ça peut arriver à des gens très bien

j'ai entendu dire ça, oui...;)

2008-02-27 // 12:41:35

merci!! :)

2008-02-26 // 23:12:57
damned perfect composition !
:) merci...

2008-02-26 // 19:37:25
lift it!!! ;)
ha. i dont know.. i like it this way. but i might take another one and see which one i decide to ruin :)

2008-02-26 // 16:25:07
tu m'as rendu les robes de mariée plaisantes....
presque un exploit !!!
superbe photo !
v+f mdame...eu pardon madmoiselle !

je te rassure, je ne suis pas fan de l'objet moi non plus!! d'ailleurs ça m'étonnerait que j'en porte une un jour :) m'enfin, il parait qu'il ne faut jamais dire jamais...
glad you like! :) et merci..

2008-02-26 // 14:27:24
v + fav toute seule aussi :)
:)) merci miss!

2008-02-26 // 13:40:23
Tous nos voeux de bonheur!
euh.. non mais c'est juste une image ;) je n'en suis pas encore là!!

2008-02-26 // 13:35:10
Perfectly understand why you didn't want to take the risk! :-)
Although I like your other emulsion lifts!
But this is indeed a very beautiful one! Vote!!!

thank you so much, chrisdeblock! i might just go back take the same pic and lift it ;) thanks for the vote!