2008-02-28 // 20:08:10
I spy Oaks Park. We really should have a polaroid outing together one of these days.
I'm down. Sounds fun.

2008-02-28 // 16:39:07
I love it. I didn't know Polaroid had photo booths. And now that I have just googled it, I saw on graigslist.com that there is one for sale in Spokane, WA. Wow. That has to be the ultimate collector's item. Thanks for the great mosaic. And I agree, if the booth goes, the future of rollerskating is in jeopardy! ;-)
Spokane! I was raised in Spokane, Washington. Sorry, its just kinda random.

2008-02-27 // 15:40:45
I love this. Excellent collage.

2008-02-27 // 10:25:46
vf, really nice mosaic