You swine ! Te he , I did consider it, one with a Canon G9 but I thought it would be cheating. I'm not quite the luddite I make out, but it always brings some passion to the newsfeed :))))))) Hurrah VF
2008-02-27 // 21:48:17 zveliakine gets my vote for the smartest description ever
Thank you my friend, I will one day try to take a better picture showing the whole storyboard in more detail, hurrah VF
2008-02-27 // 14:32:42 viki_hae holy.... better than every diary..!! :)
Hi, thanks, this is just about 50% of the total amount but can't get a Polaroid camera to focus and get them all in the frame - ah well the ID-104 was my best solution, cheers VF