2007-05-03 // 18:33:54
this one should be the winner and SotD!!! f+v
Thanks for the v + F saviourjosh, it's one of my favourite polaroid shots, but heaven knows I've got a lot!

2006-04-28 // 19:50:13
whoa, the colors are amazing. what an explosive image. great work!
Thanks uncleslappy38, I appreciate your feedback!

2006-04-27 // 01:03:43
WOW! Total summer shot, colors attack your eyes
Thanks Uri! :-)>

2006-04-26 // 20:24:15
So sunny!! Thanks for sharing!!!
My pleasure louloublue. Despite rumours to the contrary, Melbourne is quite often sunny!

2006-04-26 // 17:39:58
amazing! Powerful colour!
Thanks Fab!

2006-04-26 // 15:07:01
THIS IS PURE SUMMER FOR ME ... oh g~d ... you have no clue how I miss the sun ... thanks for bringing it back, AP!

You're the SUNGOD!

LOL, I hope the sun will be making an appearance soon in your part of the world Ervil. Here we are in Autumn moving towards Winter, which means Summer will be with you soon - Enjoy!!