2008-03-27 // 00:48:09
How did you make this self portrait with a 340? Your arm does not appear to be close to the camera!
close-up lense...;p

2008-03-02 // 14:07:14
Toujours aussi beaux tes auto portraits.
merci :)

2008-03-02 // 11:52:01
j'adore cette image !
si tu n'as pas le sotd c'est que les gens n'ont aucun goût !

merci beaucoup! :) par contre, comme tu le sais, le SotD c'est une histoire de pourcentage, donc là c'est mort, mais ce n'est pas l'essentiel, loin de là ;)

2008-03-01 // 03:57:21
ahh you and your annoying beauty again .. hehe

2008-03-01 // 01:18:07
nice portrait dear...

2008-02-29 // 16:53:16
very good selfportrait. Right colors, good atmosphere, happy look.

thanks very much :)

2008-02-29 // 16:03:37
en fait c'est une honte d'être aussi photogénique.


tu peux parler, toi! :)

2008-02-29 // 14:27:24
what a monstrosity. absolutely hideous.

reverse these sentences at will.

(may your years come quickly. beauty is such a curse.)

"hideous absolutely. monstruosity a what." yay, you're right, sounds much better that way :)
hehe. thanks, dear.

2008-02-29 // 13:51:56
What a lovely morning in Paris. It's encouraging to see such nice results with this unusual 669 film. I've just purchased 50 twin packs and some batteries for my old packfilm cameras. I'll never achieve a self-portrait quite so striking I'm afraid. All in the subject matter. I quite like the stripes of your hair falling toward the stripes of your pyjamas. Creates a bit of harmony in the photo. Was this window light? Regardless, it's a beautiful shot.
thank you my friend!
wow, 50 twinpacks!! lucky you. I've just purchased 10... it all makes me so sad and panicked, i'd like to buy 10 everyday!! i should buy batteries as well, i guess...
im glad you like this pic :)
and yes, this is window light. Weather was dark grey so i was a bit scared the shot would come out too dark, but i actually love the colours here - more than the subject matter ;)
thanks again!

2008-02-29 // 13:38:22
you`re beautiful like a flower in the sun
haha, thats sweet :) thankyou very much...!

2008-02-29 // 13:34:32
Hum tu gères pas mal le self avec le 340/kit portrait.


merci :)
ouaip. j'ai enfin capté qu'il fallait que je pose l'appareil sur qqch, sinon c'est mort :)
je suis bien contente de l'avoir ce kit portrait, en tout cas!

2008-02-29 // 13:12:50
what a striking self-portrait! just beautiful!

thank you lady!! :)

2008-02-29 // 13:00:37
ouais ouais en pj mais maquillée quand même!! lol

very beautiful anyway x x

c'est clair!! :) never without my make up...
merci dudette, glad you like. de la balle ce film. jte jure.

2008-02-29 // 12:59:07
thank you Nanako - i just love your work as well!!

2008-02-29 // 12:54:58
669 girl....
On pourrait imaginer, comme une robe de haute couture peut-être dessiner sur mesure, qu'il a été fait pour toi...
Dans tous les cas tu le porte très bien...!

merci bien...