2008-04-29 // 04:38:54
I hated this film when I first saw photos taken with it but it has grown on me fast. In the right hands brilliant shots can be captured, this being one of them of course!!

2008-03-31 // 02:30:05
moin guter g. wir haben uns nun endgültig für riga entschieden. danke schonmal für den tip mit airbaltic! da wir erst im september dahin wollen, wirds mit der ausstellung leider nichts. wollte aber fragen, ob du ein gutes und vor allem günstiges hotel oder jugendherberge in riga empfehlen kannst!

mit allerbesten grüssen

der McK. aus H.

2008-03-13 // 12:41:33
Of course I speak, you dumb man. So, did you put something on?

why are you retarding answering my mail?
it included a kind of urgent request.

as said, lil' g. is just finishing his coffee. just light conversation possible before he had one.

and your mail got in at night.

it now gets deciphered.

I retard rarely.

2008-03-13 // 12:24:26
Then you definitively have to dress. This is just too ordinary.

I have no idea how to handle a boule. I don't drink.

well, it's up to your habits where you look at sitting opposite a kitchentable.

I guess now you say you don't sit at kitchentables neither,because you are a mag. pff.
anybody ever told you mags can't speak? (I only deal with persons if it comes to things close to my heart)

2008-03-13 // 12:11:42
That depends on what you are wearing while having your morning coffee. Your boxing gloves and nothing else?
I may have been able to trigger a camera shutter with boxing gloves once, but how do you think I manage to hold a boule, hm?
so withdraw the gloves.

2008-03-13 // 11:48:03
I'm not carmen. I'm the hesheit.

I like flaws. Did I ever tell you that?

oh, it's your hersheit.
do I have to dress if you are wearing your other suit? I'm just having my morning coffee.

oh, me too, flaws. lot.
except on not cheap new things.

2008-03-13 // 11:39:00
history book shot..
yes. history of bad manufactured films :-(

good morning, carmen.

2008-03-13 // 02:22:46
I was in Krakow last october and I feel the same atmosphere.love it

2008-03-08 // 01:56:43
ach riga? welch zufall. ich will mit meiner besten freundin dieses jahr nen wochenendtrip in die stadt meiner wahl machen (sie schenkte es mir zu weihnachten) und wir hatten riga schon ins auge gefasst.
ja sauber! wenn ihr noch nix gebucht habt, habt mal airbaltic.com im auge. je früher, je billiger. und newsletter anmelden lohnt, tw. angebote (ca. 60 h+r). bin da von ende april bis mitte juni, lochkameratag und (m)eine ausstellung. wär doch lustig, sich da zu treffen (ich find' ja hh mittlerweile fad... bin hier aber auch geboren). andere von hier kommen auch.

2008-03-07 // 16:28:32
das hier sieht original so aus. als wäre es von 1890 (von den autos mal abgesehen)
naja, und noch 'n par andere kleinigkeiten (neonschilder, gerüstnetze, graffiti..). aber stimmt schon.
Krakau. wunderschön. hat viel von Riga.

2008-03-07 // 12:29:09
not a film fault but two friendly invisible souls taking care of you...


you make me smile :-)

thank you.

2008-03-07 // 09:44:36
great serie !!
thanks! when i saw them first after uploading my first impression was they come quite boring. not that they are to me, and of course originals always give a different, more deep view - but here I've been quite disappointed about the difference (though I knew and spent a lot time on the scans to bring back most of the tones and specialities of the film). so thanks for the feedback! means they still work. and this is good to know and rather important for me.