2008-04-28 // 17:00:56
oh oh , smart one!
clever clever, but hey, I bet there are enough balloons for everyone of us!
emilie just have to calculate how many balloons we need to take us to the moon, and then we share, ok?

but u still can give me some chocolate and coffee...


deal! i'm terrible at math, but very good at chocolate and coffee...;))

2008-04-28 // 16:49:39
u know what? on my way to nyc I even had enough time for a stopover in stephanieŽs peter-pan-paradise .

IŽll marry my balloons.


i will hope that marriage lasts! really strong balloons, those are...i think i may distract you with chocolate and coffee, and take them to the beach myself!

2008-04-28 // 16:43:01
hahaha, yeay! we did it ! greeaaaat. flying with the balloons are really faster than a plane ! so cool, we should let know EVERYbody! imaging how great the sky would look like :)

i don't know how you got here so fast--but i will never buy a plane ticket again...only a large bunch of balloons!

2008-04-28 // 15:27:23
hehe ;) spotted!

they just floated here--right to my window--i am pulling them in now, and i'm going for a walk down the avenue with them soon! thank you, lovely bandit!!

2008-03-27 // 21:35:12

My mother also said not to mix with people from Brooklyn. She said people from Brooklyn are poor and have the disease.

Gosh, that sidewalk shadow across the street really does make it look as if the building is hopping. Spring hop!

Although, sweet as a hopping building sounds, after the crane collapse I don't think we need any more Very Big Things jumping up and down in Manhattan.

Settle down, piece of architecture! You may smile or whistle, but no acrobatics.


this building is fraught with loft spaces inhabited by very wealthy people. when they say jump, this building jumps!

it is a grate in the sidewalk! but now the paranormal building has started to bother me, too.

not as much as them what live in brooklyn, mind you. i don't so much as touch a doorknob when i'm down there. you must never leave the house!

2008-03-25 // 23:00:26
great once again!



oh! thank you very much, again! had to celebrate the clouds going away somehow!

2008-03-25 // 21:13:09
and building in front of balloons is ascending light as spring air...

oh--what a beautiful thought! now that you say it, it seems to me that way, too--even though i've always seen that building as standing its ground very sturdily, it does seem to evaporate a bit into the air here!

2008-03-25 // 15:43:11

My mum always told me not to mix with them in Brooklyn. She didn't mention manhattan so i guess you're ok.

Go to that thing in Dumbo (whereever in hell's name Dumbo is.) tonight. Take Sean, J Lo, Fitty and one of the Rockefellers. I don't mind which one.


words to live by, cdr! unfortunately, the scene, as wannabes call it, has edged down to Brooklyn, so sometimes i have to appear there. i just make sure to hold my diamond-encrusted purse a little bit tighter.

2008-03-25 // 15:29:59
How funny. Do balloons substitute for flowers in Brooklyn to signify spring?

dear, poor CDR. i don't live in Brooklyn. i live in posh Manhattan, mainly in fancy clubs with plush banquettes and private VIP rooms. i got these balloons the night before from Sean "puff daddy p. diddy" Combs, along with a bottle of Cristal, which i watered my plants with. I have no idea what they do in Brooklyn.

2008-03-25 // 15:21:49
