2008-03-26 // 14:43:47
i don't want to swamp you here with Polish emigrants info but just a few more things :o)
some time ago there was this joke question about the largest Polish city. the answer was Chicago. now, the question is about not one but three largest cities. and the answer is Chicago, London and Dublin.

it's a joke of course but in the same time it shows how many people leave Poland every year. the latest boom was after we joined EU when around 2 million people moved, mostly to UK and Ireland (you probably didn't know that more than 10% of people living in Ireland are Polish).

ok, enough of this off-topic flood :o)


are you kidding me? i love learning about this! thank you. no--i didn't know that about Ireland. why did people move--was it because of lack of jobs? and i wonder--why to the UK and Ireland? (but i know you must be busy--answer whenever!)

2008-03-26 // 13:38:08
so nice you thought of me :o)

in fact, in Poland when people think Greenpoint they see Polish stores and our fellow men. it's also what i meant when wrote about the church. i don't expect any other nationality to empty streets and go for a Sunday mess like it happens among Polish diaspora :o)

you won't believe how many times this part of Brooklyn is mentioned in books written by Polish authors...


oh--how interesting! i read somewhere that only Chicago has a larger Polish population. it was actually the first time i've been in this neighborhood, and it is beautiful. the historic district, with the well-kept grand houses, and then the manufacturing warehouses along the water--and people streaming out of churches in the afternoon! ;))


um...only Chicago has a larger Polish population, you know, next to, say, Poland... the only city in the US with a larger Polish population is Chicago. There. Now, I'm not even sure if that's true. Will end here for the day. :O

2008-03-26 // 11:57:27
empty streets... looks so unusual... oooh i see... it's sunday... people left their big cars and went in a body to the church... :o)

i had the place to myself! yes, it was easter sunday, so very quiet. two bicyclists and a couple of vans. i love sunday mornings here-- the hammer and thrum of the city doesn't seem to start until 11:00. oh--and i thought of you when i was walking this neighborhood in brooklyn--it is sometimes called "Little Poland"!

2008-03-25 // 22:59:35
great great framing...

and waw i love this 669 film. the colors are just amazing...


thank you so much for your encouraging words!

i am so glad that the sun has finally come out--the blue of the 669 film shows more brilliantly--more turquoise than the dark, frozen blues of winter!

2008-03-25 // 22:40:59
I have seen this place before.
I think when I was looking for studio B online.
anyway, this is a really nice blue.


yes--i think that studio b is very near here! have you been here? because i think you would like this neighborhood--lots of old manufacturing warehouses and empty streets.

2008-03-25 // 17:44:32
i gotta confess though. i didn't take a cow picture today... sozza.

are you ok with gates, trees, fields and old farm machinery?

check out BoooooooooooomBooooooooooo om for some great cow 669ers. if that's where you get your kicks.


i'm okay with gates and trees and fields and yes, old farm machinery. reminds me of home. thanks for the polas, even without the cows.

2008-03-25 // 17:36:47

i've seen them before. and in fact i must have that picture faved twice now....

(one more jump towards attentiveness heaven)


you sly fox!

2008-03-25 // 16:49:48

That probably has something to do with sinking sidewalks. You should call 311 and complain.


those 311 people understand nothing of the scientific method. i will bring my ruler with me on sunday.

2008-03-25 // 16:38:55
Weren't rules made to be broken? Sometimes?
Messy business those messy borders.

Messy border rule #1 - leave the mess.
Messy border rule #2 - see rule #1.

Going to check my attentiveness status now...


wait, what if you realize that you have a split personality; that, in fact, you are three or four people--what happens to attentiveness status when you are, in fact competing with yourself?!!

2008-03-25 // 16:37:23

Conclusive proof that Greenpoint street lamps are nearly two inches taller than the Empire State Building.


that was my hypothesis when i set out on sunday, but your statement is faulty. you will note that there are two street lamps that are about level with the empire state building, and one that is shorter. i will use next sunday to attempt to understand and explain this phenomena.

2008-03-25 // 16:29:02
So I do like this picture. I actually looked at it after leaving my previous comment. I like all the lines, and curves, and the tall buildings so far away. Where's the messy border? I always like those.


rule #4: never, ever, look at the picture.


i love messy borders, too! unfortunately, it came off when i peeled the pola. ruined everything--hateful accident!

2008-03-25 // 16:24:42
Excuse me for intruding, but I'm trying to move up on the polanodic attentiveness list - just 3 more comments and I'll be #50.
Nothing specific to say about this pic - just using the space provided for a self promoting comment. I'm waiting for CDR to add a pic or two in order to utilize some of his 'space'.


you should be ashamed of yourself.

rule #1: you don't talk about polanoidic attentiveness.
rule #2: you don't talk about polanoidic attentiveness.
rule #3: you comment as much as you have to.

2008-03-25 // 16:21:47
I never used the word TOO complicated.

I just said "complicated".

What What. Whatty what? Are you practicing your upper class pomp for your impending visit to the motherland to reclaim some fields in Cotswolds or something?


sshhhh...don't look now, cdr, but someone else has uploaded some foggy horses... dammit, where are those cows of yours?

2008-03-25 // 15:46:23

I must have rocketed up the polanoid attentiveness leaderboard after this little bout. Should land me a couple more votes from you anyway.

My work here is done.


you are ranked, like, 25th, or something. sad.

2008-03-25 // 15:28:27
Hello my.iowa

These really remind me, in a completely contradictory way, of some things i took today. Maybe i'll upload them later. They're so similar because they are both our everyday views. But so different because you live surrounded by the metropoli, commerce and cars and i live surrounded by windy fields, inbreds and cows.

If i say nice stuff to you, will you vote on, at least one, of them later. That was a statement of intent. Not a question.

So here goes.

What a great eye you have, Good composition. Vote.


please do upload them--i would love to see them! i miss my windy fields, inbreds, and cows.

i mean--er--

