2008-03-29 // 19:46:33
Bagels aren't a London thing, they are jewish - and its pretty difficult to get a decent cup of tea in a cafe - assuming you can FIND a cafe lol - no, I'd go for Paris every time

2008-03-29 // 19:35:08
Glad the sick little camera is working again.

Vive le combo.

hehe thanks dear. and congrats for your well deserved sotd!!

2008-03-29 // 19:34:08
so many comments....
just one vote...
i guess you're so amazed by emilie's pictures that you all forgot to vote!

haha. vote obsessed :)

2008-03-29 // 18:52:54
Boah, j'te le prêterai va....!
ouf :)

2008-03-29 // 18:31:22
tu m'expliqueras?

2008-03-29 // 18:23:36
Bon ben, j'ai gagné un M402 alors....!!!?
hmmm i see...
et merde. j'aurais mieux fait de pas l'uploader! ;)

2008-03-29 // 15:21:45
nice .-)
:) thanks

2008-03-29 // 14:50:42
Ah ah, j'avais lu rue de la boucherie d'abord :)
haha. j'ai pris cette rue complètement au hasard, et puis après, par association d'idées avec le "je t'aime moi non plus", je me suis dit que finalement, bûcherie évoquait boucherie... métaphore de l'amour comme boucherie/abattoir etc... enfin, comme quoi on peut vraiment trouver des associations avec tout et n'importe quoi!! anyway. donc moi aussi, le boucherie m'est passé par la tête ;)

2008-03-29 // 14:01:40
great news!!!!
yeah i know!! i should be feeling happy :)

2008-03-29 // 12:04:56
inspired by you :)

2008-03-29 // 12:04:47
Where to be at any one moment - London.......or Paris? No contest, is it!!! Even if only for the simple things of being able to get a fantastic cup of coffee and a fresh, crisp French baguette at almost every street corner in Paris
but london too has its charm - what about a wonderful cup of tea in a cosy café on a rainy afternoon, or getting drunk in a pub at whatever time of day! haha. i truly truly love london though. But i know what you mean about the baguettes. Even your bagels cant beat them ;)

2008-03-29 // 11:46:35
Wish I was there!