2008-04-14 // 01:26:20
I trust first hand comments only, the rest is sheer gossip
i can't cope with the multiple personality thing. Your Tickl persona is so much feistier...

I don't think it's gossip. I think they're going dancing down by the lagoon.

2008-04-02 // 20:46:25
yesss. that film is sooo sexy.
and only $100

2008-04-01 // 13:55:36
the neverending story... never ends! :D
Couldn't resist taking another photo of this little fella!

and another

and another


etc etc

2008-03-31 // 00:52:17
Wild Sotd today young man. Is that part of your cheap cheap batch? Best 100 bucks you've ever spent if so..

2008-03-30 // 18:27:57
oh god.
of course he is! how can he even doubt it?
you're my numero uno, bilbo

he says, "good".

2008-03-30 // 18:14:39
hello bilbo :)
hello emilie.

ps// Emilie, i have to tell you Bilbo is very jealous of all the amorous attention you have been getting. He wants to be re-assured he's still your numero one.