2008-06-20 // 20:55:22
your pictures are amazing g. this picture makes me feel a little bit sad though. nostalgia maybe?

2008-06-17 // 07:01:24
another magical mystery tour

2008-04-08 // 17:50:00

and i wanted to say--this is amazing, inspiring, and so filled with meaning. i love it.

2008-04-07 // 16:22:12
Polaroid passion all over the world!

2008-04-07 // 15:57:48
I missed this one!
it's so special!
yeah yeah! v+f

2008-04-03 // 14:21:26


So special. So wonderful. It looks to me like a magnificent wind-up toy, or an elaborate clock with moving parts. Press a button or turn a key, and all of a sudden the globe lights up, and all the little objects and animals begin moving in different directions.

The globe rotates and revolves, Johan's horse triumphs over the North Pole, Kanarin gallops across the equator. Maybe a little song begins to play as well. Sanagi?

Yes. Special. In about ten different ways. You've brought a lot together here. But it isn't the end for these threads. It's really just the beginning. In many ways this picture is an introduction, a prelude to Riga, and good things to come.

"Things you cannot see." I can just barely, barely make out the tiny little letters to the left and right of that big, inky g.

A marvelous, enchanted picture. Love and time went into the making of this. So did glue. Respect and lots of appreciation from the kid in Brooklyn.

2008-04-03 // 13:57:46
It's really just perfect.

O.K. - I typed the first sentence, and have since tried expressing myself half a dozen times with no real coherence in my words. I keep pressing delete.

This is beautiful.

2008-04-03 // 13:37:58
This polaroid is concentrated pola passion. I *love* it. Love it, love it, love it. The patience, the sunlight, the horses challenging gravity itself, one stomping all over Greenland while the other rests in the Atlantic Ocean.

g. this is truly remarkable. Thank you for sharing!

2008-04-03 // 08:21:40