2008-04-11 // 01:03:39

Have you contacted the relevant paleontological societies and supermarket tabloid newspapers?

2008-04-10 // 18:04:33

2008-04-10 // 17:30:01
That's the image i was looking for!

Not that i'm obsessed by cave girls.

Just, you know.

Eyebrow wiggle.

2008-04-10 // 17:00:05
There was a Smilodon in Power Rangers?

I didn't know that!

Haha, twinset.


Although i had in mind something a bit more like this:



Funny, I was just reading on Wikipedia about Ray Harryhausen's films, and one of them pointed me to the actress Raquel Welch. I think I'd wear something along these lines..


2008-04-10 // 16:56:45
awesome! ^^ (v+f)

2008-04-10 // 16:43:41
Dam, i'm so jealous of this. Brillliant brilliant.

Perfect soft clouds and dark ominous dino.

I'm guessing you were dressed in a twin set made from the coat of a Smilodon.

I feel embarrassed that I had to look up both twin-set AND smilodon. (Except I ended up realizing what smilodon was- thanks, Power Rangers! But I've still never heard of twin-set. I have a twin SHEET set from Power Rangers. It smells funny but I still use the pillowcases.)

Thank you! The pleasure was all the dino's.