2008-04-14 // 10:23:32
love this!

2008-04-12 // 01:23:17
love it. pure.

2008-04-11 // 21:10:19
totally agree with stefano
a very generous picture
(and bored with expired meaningless sotds)

2008-04-11 // 15:18:42
Agreed with Stefano. And VF for this tender picture !

2008-04-11 // 15:09:23
agree 100% with stefano

2008-04-11 // 14:35:08

My god, sometimes I could just scream around here! People are so selectively gabby. A generic expired SX-70 shot about nothing goes up, and immediately the hyperventilating comments come pouring in.

But then when something just so delightful and interesting and warmly evocative and unpretentious like this comes along, there is too often — lots of quiet.

Apologies. I ought not be fuming here. I wish to say that this is so wonderful. I adore the two expressions next to each other, and the suggestion of time and place. Stripes, smile, fingers, moustache. 667. Lots to savor here.

2008-04-11 // 14:11:39
what a cute smile!! :)