2008-04-29 // 09:09:04
heureuse de revoir tes belles photos marion :-)
:) heureuse de revoir les tiennes

2008-04-28 // 21:19:41

oh--i'm a sucker for such things--a comfy bedspread, books, and a straw hat...looks like a perfect day! beautiful!

thank you dear :)

2008-04-28 // 20:08:18
And again, Jeeezzz... haha!

2008-04-28 // 19:49:44
oui je pense , on se tiendra au courant :)
cool :)

2008-04-28 // 18:20:45
j'aimerais bien faire partie de ton alphabet..
j'en serais ravie... as tu l'intention de venir ŕ paris dans les semaines qui viennent ou avant l'été?

2008-04-28 // 18:14:05
everything about this - the hat, the books, the quilt, the faded colours - reminds me of summer holidays at my grandmas place. love it, really.
glad it conjures up happy memories :) it's my mum's hat, she used to wear it when I was a kiddie. It means a lot to me. thank you lady "i don't steal balloons"

2008-04-28 // 18:01:13
awwww beautiful!! v+f