2010-03-15 // 04:43:40
what season is it?
or if you still know, what month?

because it looks like itīs a good time for visiting great britain...

2008-05-05 // 11:20:54
wow. Looks like I missed a couple of nice pics. That serie is sublime, the colours are sublimed by the film, en bref, this is sublime.

btw: do you horseride sometimes?

thanks kino. glad you like.

only occasionally these days. used to a lot...

2008-05-03 // 22:21:56

these are beautifully powerful and, um, powerfully beautiful, d.!
do these horses know you by now--do you bring them an apple or carrot in return for such poses?

they know me, but i don't think they like my little visits... well not at first.

firstly they charge at me, then they charge at each other, then they nuzzle. just male posturing i think.

i can just never be cool enough to snap the moment they charge. i'm always running the other way.

i just offer grass.

2008-05-02 // 21:23:03
simply spiffing
thank you old bean

2008-05-02 // 17:54:14
ps never apologize for all the fucking

thank you for fuck's sake

2008-05-02 // 17:41:08
WOW. these pics are incredible. where is cornwall? i'm coming there, i miss the country and horses. however i now am on a mission to find a horse here. i will make you proud.
leave london to the west and follow the setting sun. eventually you'll hit cornwall. the first thing you'll see on entering cornwall is shit loads of wild horses running around.

but don't go too far, or you'll fall of the edge of the world.
and thank you for the tag. i loved that tag of your boy mouth open against the wall and this just felt the same...

2008-05-02 // 17:21:28
itīs so so fantastic . boah.
very happy you like aelstn... thanks so so much! )

2008-05-02 // 16:35:06
ahhhhhh ohhhhhh

This is my favorite of all the horses. Someone else said that it reminds them of an African landscape and I completely agree. The tall grasses, the huge clouds, the bent trees, the dramatic lighting...this. is. AWESOME.

I wish I could triple favorite this.

i've just noticed the left hand image is slightly wonky. my left foot must have been sinking deeper in the mud than my right. whatever, my shoes are ruined.

thank you... nice to hear you like it soo much.

2008-05-02 // 12:52:50
hmm i see. hence the dreams of white horses haunting you from childhood... stubbs paintings are pretty striking. i'd say you cant not think of him when seeing a white horse once you've seen them. I think the horse painting that stroke me most though was Fuseli's Nightmare »link It was the cover of my french classbook at school and it used to scare the shit out of me.
ah thanks.... haven't seen that before...

i'm not surprised - that's a scary fucking painting.

2008-05-02 // 12:32:17
more seriously, it looks like some african landscape. specially the first one. i guess it makes no sense in the other because of the stripes but yeah...
yeah it's a weird bit of landscape. and definitely an african savannah feel.

isolated trees growing out of long marshy grass... i got so muddy doing this. ha.

2008-05-02 // 12:33:07
welcome to the dark side of the force
theres no "tries" or "temporary" with it though, be careful :-)

2008-05-02 // 11:44:10
ok deal. seriously i reckon this one of of the fucking best pics i've ever fucking seen. so dramatic with the fucking clouds. it could be a fucking Stubbs painting, only fucking better.
oops, sorry for more fucking... :)

fucking pictures are too fucking big too send in one go on aofuckingl. sending them one by one for fucks sake.
and yeah i think about stubbs quite a lot. my gran has a print in her house of one... and i mostly think of this one. »link

2008-05-02 // 11:37:50
haha, please keep that tag as it is though, its hilarious :)
i love the two pics together too and i agree that they're telling something about the landscape. but think id love to see the right one on it's own. i'll vote again, i promise :)

i'll email it to you alright!!!?? and some others that i won't upload.. well maybe. but not today.

i tried to change the tags and it wouldn't have it.

"sorry for more fucking" it is then

2008-05-02 // 11:31:40
oh wow!! i especially love the right one. in addition to the horses, the clouds are just amazing, perfect for me. what's with that "sorry for more fucking" tag though!? haha.

oh dear, the tags haven't worked properly. haha.

i thought about uploading the right one on its own, but i liked the way the two together told a story about the landscape...