2008-06-26 // 13:17:16
that's such a masterpiece as well ...
great bodies ... cute balloons .... that's all i need.

thanks thanks norah.
sometimes the cute and great makes perfect combinations!!

2008-05-26 // 04:46:42
LOVE IT!!!! vf and fav
thanks a lot...

2008-05-23 // 23:45:26
v and f you rock as well
thanks ROCKY...

i appreciate your support.

2008-05-23 // 17:54:51
impressed, as always :D
don't stop!

thanks. OH, no, i won't stop until i don't have any films left!!!

2008-05-23 // 09:07:36
Bene, bene, benissimo!


2008-05-23 // 04:02:08
Love it, so beautiful, so poetic, pure candy for the eyes
oh you're too nice....

thanks a lot urizen.

2008-05-23 // 00:30:50
Fuji FP 100 C is good for you :-)
I'm starting to think so too!!!
will have a quick go with the 669 since i have some in a back somewhere and then i invest in fuji if the result isn't what i was looking for...

thanks a lot for your advice.

2008-05-23 // 00:28:27
As an answer to yours and comment on this pic and the previous one.
I totally agree with you that polaroids and dance tend to seem incompatible at first sight for the reasons you mentioned but then it is a challenge. I have a 600 one step and am absolutely crap at taking pictures of people, even more people in motion, this is highly frustrating. But then, with mironabside what we did was, she would let me dance and stop me at some point, so it was a sort of unforseen encounter and I liked this idea at well. for my part, I've been thinking about dancing in a photo booth, so we will see what I can get out of that confined space.

Then, you made me very curious about your work and I had a quick look at your website. The Arbre nocif series is just perfect to me; it is sharp, the reflexion is very meaningful and I love the idea of playing with constraints.

And finally, I am very impressed by this latest series, even though the colours need to be stronger indeed. I 'm very fond of ballons and bubbles and all that is related to the air and weightlessness. You're using them with much poetry. The man's look on this one is particularly captivating and there is this fantastic suspension thing with the shadows that reminded me immediately of Sam Taylor Wood's suspended series.
So this is just a very long and clumsy way to say that your pictures make my day brighter and make me want to dance even more, thank you so much for that. (I think I forgot something, nevermind)

2008-05-22 // 20:16:41
Dude, this is awesome. Can't wait to see the whole thing. Sorry I haven't commented, but you've had some great shots/projects lately!
thanks a lot antonious.
i hope the final one won't take too long to come...

2008-05-22 // 18:02:13
ach, yeah you need 669 for this, man!! i love the composition though, so so so good! vote
tu pense que le 669 sirtira les couleurs comme elles se doit?

je n'ais jamais essayer 669 avec le miniportrait. je crois que je vais faire un dernier essaie avec ce film magique!!!

merci pour le commentaire et aides.