2008-06-08 // 17:51:40
ok, you get that hirsrts= shirts

2008-06-08 // 16:09:42
nice hisrts.... as an old 70s ad!
haha, i know, we look like from another time ;)

2008-06-08 // 01:52:50
I guess it reminds me of me and my women friendships. There are few things as strong as such bond.
im glad it brings you back to your own experience and reminds you of something personal. aim achieved :) thankyou.

2008-06-08 // 01:52:24
This is amazing and should be at least 5 shots of the day :-)
haha, thanks freckles ;)

2008-06-02 // 01:01:07

Nice hats, but where are the smoking guns?

Please rob banks together.

hehe, they're in our hands - too bad you cant see them!
that was our plan for next weekend. shhh.

2008-06-01 // 21:54:55
nice shirts!! but where are the hats?? :D
haha :D
they're on top of our heads. shame you cant see them!

2008-06-01 // 18:13:59
yeah. you two fit together quite well all round really.

i have mixed feeling about this shot... i love salomé's attitude, but i hardly recognize myself in this - just doesnt feel natural at all. but i like it all the same cos we had a great time :)

2008-06-01 // 18:09:09
cute shirts ;-)
they match quite well, dont they :)

2008-06-01 // 15:56:42
pooka was such a great band and would make a lovely soundtrack for some of your shots.
Hehe thanks :) as i said to Pépite, i dont know their music that well, but i met Sharon last year, as she's Salomé's friend! funny :)

2008-06-01 // 14:47:54
vous me faites d'ailleurs penser à un duo anglais du nom de "pooka" des années 90 que j'adorai, je les avais photographier et elles portaient deux chemises à carreaux comme vous deux..marrant!
Ah c'est trop marrant, une des fillles de Pooka justement - Sharon Lewis - est une bonne copine de Salomé! :)

2008-06-01 // 14:13:34
jolie duo de charmeuses d'objectif
symbiose parfaite...ça ferait une belle pochette de disque...folk!!!

haha, j'ai hésité entre folk et country... je connais pas bien la différence, mais on est bien d'accord ;)
merci mademoiselle! :)

2008-06-01 // 13:24:16
sublime portrait d'amitié !!
merci stéphanie :)

2008-06-01 // 13:18:33
On dirait un duo de chanteuses country venues du fin fond duTexas dis donc... ;))
tu lis dans mes pensées ;)

2008-06-01 // 12:40:32
haha les Cocorosie
haha, par exemple, ouais ;)

2008-06-01 // 11:59:49
Haut les mains les bucheronnes vous êtes cernées...!

2008-06-01 // 11:56:52
joli duo!
merci! haha, plus je regarde cette photo, plus je trouve qu'on a l'air d'un duo de chanteuse country venues du fin fond du texas - ça doit être les chemises :)