2008-06-11 // 16:18:55 LiA extremly sweet, this is the best of them all!
SHE is the best of them all
2008-06-11 // 09:32:35 ush pleins de trucs à vous dire, mais en synthétisant : félicitations !
merci l'ami.
2008-06-10 // 23:06:11 g. (...am smiling endlessly happy reading your reply. understand.)
2008-06-10 // 22:53:11 g. my personal favourite of this wonderful happening you shared with us. because you couldn't rsist taking a self. because i'm happy to see them here. because it's an instant moment.
because you two look wonderful.
my best
yep, i just could not resist, you are right
that was almost impossible in the wedding madness but I had my slr with me.... and did a few shots as soon as it was possible.
If instants were ever important, this one was the most important ever
2008-06-10 // 11:40:28 philippebourgoin MEILLEURS VOEUX DE BONHEUR !
P & V.
on est DEJA heureux depuis un moment et on va tacher de continuer pareil.
Merci à vous !
2008-06-10 // 07:21:28 bp AUGURI ! BEST WISHES !