2008-07-01 // 19:14:06 somewhair Les transferts pola sont vraiment une merveille et celle-ci est vraiment bien réussie... On sent presque le vent effleurer les joues.
le vent effleurer les joues et surtout le soleil (levant ) transpercer la retine !!!
merci !
2008-06-14 // 13:16:56 milkysoldier this is really really really really beautiful like a fading memory.
not so fading the memory ...I look at the sun ...bordel j'aurai pas du ....and been blind for a couple of seconds !
thanks marion !!
2008-06-13 // 18:07:07 yungal It looks like one of Turner's paintings!!
aaaah Turner's lights and blurry scenes !!!
he surely would have found this process to easy !!!
2008-06-13 // 17:20:23 SteveTilbury fantastic! your first one to, just started doing transfers myself they're addictive....
I just wanted to try it ....
not sure I'm gonna be an addict !
...but hey....
who knows !!!
will you put yours here one of those days ???
I'm curious to see that !!
2008-06-13 // 12:04:28 nrs ...conn-rrr-ah !
(et ta connerie jouit, donc)
...et elle peut atteindre des sommets !!!
2008-06-13 // 09:07:12 Lajos Gombos nice. very. vote for SotD!