2008-06-16 // 13:06:47
clearly horses are not enough, no!

i've learned my lesson. :-(


yes, that is an adequate consolation prize! i'll be there tomorrow

haha, ok, you're on!
we'll be waiting for you with booze and cameras and film!
would be ace if you could bring a horsey or two!! ;)

2008-06-16 // 12:51:57

She's dumped me already??

unbelievable ;-)

will paris let me come and visit one day too?

damn it, i thought you knew already...
why am i always the one to do that kind of blunder?
anyway. well, i guess the little horsey business was kinda cute and romantic and all, but you know... maybe not enough?
dont know if this might comfort you, but you are welcome in paris any time. :)

2008-06-16 // 12:44:51

lucky Raul to be the only boy!!

arent they? :)
well actually he wasnt exactly the only boy... chris's darling boyfriend was with us too :)

2008-06-16 // 09:08:21
We indeed had a great afternoon! Thanks for being there sweetie! :-)

you're most welcome, it was my pleasure! :)
cant wait to see your beautiful pics!!

2008-06-16 // 00:03:37
et puis quel oeil tu as, hein!
*blush* c'est gentil :) - j'ai encore du progrès à faire en polameet though - toujours un peu du mal à suivre la cadence et faire des photos qui valent vraiment le coup...

2008-06-15 // 20:48:05
Je l'adore celle_là, il ne manque que toi :) Tu me les envoies by mail, please?
je t'envoie tout ça illico! moi aussi j'adore celle-là, vous êtes toutes trop mimi :)

2008-06-15 // 15:49:38
canal saint martin en face d'Antoine et Lili,
j'ai passé des moments très doux au bord de ce canal, des moments de grande solitude aussi.

le voir ponctué de sourires et un bon moyen d'exorciser les larmes dernièrement versées au même endroit!

oh... j'espère que ça va mieux. contente que cette photo t'ait touché d'une manière ou d'une autre en tout cas. :)

2008-06-15 // 15:21:52

love this--stylish ladies, all looking in a different direction! looks like it was a wonderful day!

hehe, thanks :) yeah it was a delicious afternoon!
rrrdiaz has the most awesome pics of the ladies, i think - i hope he uploads them :)

2008-06-15 // 15:21:23

Je suis jaloux. But it is lovely. And what I love most about polanoid. (Feel free to correct my nonexistent French, sister. I began learning, mmm, on Tuesday.)

ha :) sorry sis, i didnt see your comment until now.
glad you like it.
as for your french,you know, "Jaloux" is the male version of the adjective. Obviously "jalouse", the female version, would be more appropriate here :) good luck with your learning!

2008-06-15 // 12:33:25
was a great afternoon :)
:) definitely!

2008-06-15 // 11:38:31
Cette pola est vraiment trés trés jolie !!

hehe, thanks benni :)