2008-06-17 // 23:28:05
magnifique ciel!! et super cadrage.


merci thomas :)) glad you like it!

2008-06-17 // 22:29:41
It looks as if the building was floating and Paris was a sea of clouds.
thankyou dear :)
now that you say it, the fact that the building is slightly slanting almost makes it look like a vessel advancing through the sea of clouds... or maybe i just had too many beers (?) :D

2008-06-17 // 19:56:51
Excellent ton cadrage
(et je suis d'accord, tu feras des merveilles avec un 180 ou un 195)

merci beaucoup :)
ça me parait hyper compliqué à utiliser, mais j'aimerais bien essayer, indeed :)

2008-06-17 // 17:29:32
Nice place.
yep, pas très loin de la rue de l'hotel colbert ;)

2008-06-17 // 17:20:12
tu fais bien !!
plutôt fantastique celle ci !!!

merci beaucoup! contente qu'elle te plaise :)

2008-06-17 // 17:11:14
I tried a few shots in Paris with it, but not really wow! :-( Will upload them later...
Yeah, you really should look out for a 180, you will do miracles with it, so much more pleasant to work with! Really worth it's money.

am still hesitating, but yeah - i think if i manage to get one, then i might stop buying so many other cheaper but useless cameras... so gutted, there's one on ebay that costs only 100 dollars with a portrait kit, but its for US residents only :(
oh well. im sure your paris pics are good!! i wanna see them :)

2008-06-17 // 17:04:00
Ooh, I really love those buildings too, one of the many reasons I love Paris! And this ID-UV works so well with you! :-)

thankyou :) glad you like it!
you know, i spent this morning watching out for 180s on ebay... haha!
this iduv, contrary to my usual 669, seems to work better when it's sunny outside. it's really not good with grey weather though :(