2011-01-08 // 11:54:55
Love your images!!

2010-01-04 // 01:50:49

2009-03-06 // 19:17:05
fragile dreams.

2009-02-24 // 04:29:23
jeez, i'm only the 68th person to fav this photo emilie. how lame is that? really, i did try to vote but it's just not possible anymore. ;-)

shit, way too many of your "pix i haven't seen yet". bad me.

hey - you didn't answer my question about an sx-70. i do nice custom work.

damn, i knew i forgot something in my reply! of course i'd be interested in a SX-70!!! is there any original you'd like to have, or can i choose? - i'll gladly swap it, eventhough i've never done that before... :)

2009-01-10 // 08:28:06
i want it to be my favorite but you have so many wonderful photos

2008-07-15 // 00:15:14
thankyou :))

2008-07-09 // 00:23:12
Absolutely stunning.

2008-07-05 // 23:40:08
belated congrats :)
hehe, you're back!! merci :)

2008-06-27 // 18:55:40
a bodice of teh local hospital.... (the last chemise has no pockets)?
could be..

2008-06-27 // 17:21:54
again, i have to say, this is so lovely. OH MY.
hehe, thankyou dear nana ;)

2008-06-25 // 21:29:23
grazie ;)

2008-06-25 // 19:48:06
congrats emilie!!!!!
i haven't been on here in a while (and i haven't been shooting much lately) so it was a lovely surprise to be welcomed back with this.

and i repeat: lovely knees!!

i know! i miss your pics!
glad you like this one..
my knees say thankyou ryan :)

2008-06-25 // 15:35:33

emilie! congratulations! what beautiful light--so glad you did post this.

thankyou my dear iowa :)
yeah, the only light i can get in this flat is late morning - so i often take pictures as soon as i get up, otherwise it's too late for good light.

2008-06-25 // 12:51:33
j'adore ca! :)
thankyou rodeo :)

2008-06-25 // 12:11:13
If I try to take pictures of my legs or any other part of me for that matter, the camera lens is likely to crack - which in the case of my 600SE would be an expensive problem lol!
haha, you should give it a go though, you know ;)

2008-06-25 // 11:49:51
I am an amateur leg enthusiast and can tell you your legs look fine. Don't worry.
well. pretty much anything on pola looks fine. you probably know that :)
but thanks!

2008-06-25 // 11:38:08
"I told you it's a beautiful pic."
End of translation.
I agree with P. about the knees.
Cheers and congrats again !!


thanks again :)

2008-06-25 // 11:34:29
As to "the winning formula", I suppose I ought to apologise a little dear, as usual I let some of my cynicism come through - what you have done is strike the happy balance between practising a beautiful art form to a very high standard of achievement which also happens to be in a style which appeals to a large number of members of this site. Your work might be of an equally high standard but appeal to no-one and get no recognition, but happily that is not the case. Being human and being possessed of the normal human emotions and weaknesses I will readily admit to being fantastically jealous of your success and I also admit to a craving for at least one shot of the day success myself - but on the other hand I am sufficiently sure and confident of my own style and my own phorographic aims not to compromise them simply for the sake of approbation - AND of course you deserve ALL the plaudits you get for your amazing images. If you DO come to London this summer please include me in the list of people to whom you give the dates of your visit and perhaps we can have a coffee and take a few polas in the back alleys of the City of London one lunchtime. Au revoir!
haha, no worries, i totally know what you mean about the "winning formula". Am glad to hear you're confident enough not to give too much attention to SotD wins. Cos, as you know, in the end they are pretty random.
Maybe you should try to take a picture of your legs, next??
who knows ;)
i'll let you know if/when im in london

2008-06-25 // 11:21:18
oooo congrats.......

i can't believe you were reticent about uploading this.


oooo thankyou :)
am just not too comfortable with pictures of my body (eventhough its "only" legs), thats why...
glad you like it!

2008-06-25 // 11:17:56
ouais enfin je passe vite voir la shot of the day de la journée à peu près tous les jours et là comment dire.... pas pu te louper! bise

2008-06-25 // 11:04:52
uh ah I missed it
happy to see it now on the cover
congrats :)

thankyou marco!
am so sorry that your photo got lost... :(

2008-06-25 // 11:00:06
c'eût été fort dommage de ne pas la poster. D'ailleurs si t'en as d'autres...

2008-06-25 // 10:45:50
ah ça me fait bien plaisir ce sotd!!
merci, ça fait bien plaisir, ce comment!! ;)

2008-06-25 // 10:38:49
congrats cutie! xx
i miss london too much.
i'll try to come this summer for one day or two.
will let you know if i do!

2008-06-25 // 09:58:25
congrats on a great SoTD!
thankyou lady :)

2008-06-25 // 09:48:03
eh ben...
ouaip, première surprise que cette photo ait fait son petit effet... je voulais même pas la poster au début.

2008-06-25 // 09:33:37
congrats miss
merci :))

2008-06-25 // 09:32:16
congrats dude x
t'es là, toi? cheers mate :)

2008-06-25 // 09:19:28
*clap clap* ;D

2008-06-25 // 08:54:04
Congratulations - you certainly seem to have cracked the winning formula for this website!
thankyou Ben. Not so sure about the winning formula though.. :)

2008-06-25 // 08:20:53
Congratulations for this beautiful and sweet SotD!!!
It's really great!

thankyou lady!! :)

2008-06-25 // 07:46:40
Yeah !!
Te l'avevo detto che era bella !

haha, i dont speak italian, but i understood this. thankyou for the support :)

2008-06-25 // 07:42:32
Bravo Emilie, elle est vraiment très belle, et toujours cette ambiance si douce qui te caractérise.
merci beaucoup Cyril... très contente qu'elle te plaise

2008-06-25 // 07:35:31

2008-06-25 // 02:05:54
Congratulations! So well-deserved
many many thanks, sir :)

2008-06-25 // 01:37:49
congrats ma belle.
c'est tout bien merité.

merci beaucoup!
really glad if you think so :)

2008-06-25 // 01:31:06
Tu me la donne, dis tu me la donne!.
je donne pas trop de photos de mes jambes...

2008-06-25 // 01:30:44
Perfect ! So well deserved ! Congrats & good night !
thankyou philippe! and goodnight indeed :)

2008-06-25 // 01:29:00
Even though i was tired... I stayed awake just to see that. I'm really happy. Have sweet dreams and be comfortable ...
not sure i feel totally comfortable, but i guess i'll have to get used to it...
thanks for all the kind words and support.
bonne nuit :)

2008-06-25 // 00:47:27
t'es tout en douceur matinale
je te regarde la nuit
et sombre dans le rêve
accroche toi

j'adore ces quatre lignes, amandine.
je m'accroche.
merci :)

2008-06-25 // 00:42:17
Ah non !
"J'aime tes genoux" !


2008-06-24 // 12:11:14
Le jeu d'ombre et de lumière (notamment sur les jambes) est remarquable. Plus de genoux et moins de nuages, voilà ce que je dis :D !
merci bcp. en même temps, au bout d'un moment, les genoux, c'est comme les nuages : quand on en poste trop, ça finit par lasser ;)

2008-06-24 // 12:10:17
C'est dommage, je ne les verrai pas !!
j'adore !
et j'ai des regrets pour toi

merci Alain, contente que tu aimes celle ci.
No regrets, c'est pas grave... je m'en remettrai! :)
merci encore pour tes conseils.

2008-06-24 // 11:31:55
joli !!! j'aime particulierement de la facon tu tiens la robe.
tres stylish a mon gout...
sans parler de la lumiere de reve que tu as dans cette photo....



oh, merci bcp!! moi aussi, c'est la lumière que j'aime bien dans celle-ci. Par contre, le corps, la position, et la façon de tenir la robe grrr j'ai du mal...
merci pour ton vote et ton comm :)

2008-06-24 // 08:19:45
very, very nice!

thankyou lady! and congrats on yesterday's sotd!! :)

2008-06-24 // 07:12:04
E' molto carina. Anche sensuale, direi.

sensual really? well, thanks. glad you like it.

2008-06-24 // 02:42:52
Il n'est jamais trop tard pour bien faire...

Et puis t'inquiète... "T'as de beaux genoux tu sais"

A+ J'ai école demain ....

hum, merci..:)

2008-06-24 // 02:20:30
And ladies legs always reminds me of this " Les jambes de femmes sont des compas qui arpentent le globe terrestre en tout sens lui donnant son équilibre et son harmonie"... You should take your time to watch this: »link ;-)
haha, j'adore!
merci pour le lien :)
mais quand même, ça me fait complexer un peu, parce que je n'ai jamais mis de talons de ma vie - je dois pas être une vraie femme!

2008-06-24 // 01:24:35
I still think that there is much more interest in these shy clumsy white legs than in a cloudy sky even if the pictures are gorgeous... I do understand why you fell uncomfortable with these pictures but PARADOXALLY that's also why they are more "touchantes" than the others... When i saw this picture i thought "elle m'énerve" this is so nice and she still doubts...

And what is the reference... you and coxi knows..

well, again, thankyou...
really, i'm glad if you think so.
i love my clouds though :)

et tiens, la référence en images, parce que Garbage, ça se regarde: »link
mais bon, c'est pas leur meilleur clip...

2008-06-24 // 01:22:08
oh so wunderbar !
danke schön, lady aelstn :)

2008-06-24 // 01:20:00

voilà, ça, c'est fait !

fix me now ;)

(la vieille *fan* de base)

2008-06-24 // 01:13:00
tss tss, j'aurai fait un ptit bond pour arriver à :

You crucified me but I'm back in your bed
Like Jesus Christ coming back from the dead

(alors que le thème du jour étant plutot à "I nearly died", en vrai)

bon allez, tu l'as bien mérité:

I came to shut you up
I came to drag you down
I came around to tear your little world apart
And break your soul apart


2008-06-24 // 00:49:06
bon ben...

I can`t use what I can`t abuse
And I can`t stop when it comes to you


Alors là, je suis déçue... t'aurais pu dire "Like Joan of Ark, coming back for more."


2008-06-24 // 00:45:54
Je surenchéris
Très belle

merci beaucoup Joakim. :)

2008-06-24 // 00:06:35
Why didn't you upload this fucking handsome picture before... were you always tipsy not to realise that this one is really cute and fresh... I think you were to modest to upload this one... I get this strange feeling i had with the open door or not i had on another picture you know...
oh. thankyou so much. im really touched to hear this from you.
well, i dont really know why i didnt...
I strive for intimate pictures, and yet, feel totally uncomfortable showing them.
I hate the way i look, and yet, feel compelled to take selfportraits.
I guess in a way i use this as a kind of therapy, but i dont really know in what way.
You know, i think Superficielle has a sister: Paradoxale79 ;)
I know what you mean about the "open door" feeling. I felt the same uploading this pic as i felt uploading the other one you're talking about.

2008-06-23 // 23:53:27
bravissimo, i love it.
... merci :)

2008-06-23 // 23:36:39
old or not, I'm glad you posted it.
thankyou dear, am glad you like it.. :)