2009-02-05 // 17:38:54 orezemit yes, with passion.
it shows.
2009-02-05 // 17:01:07 orezemit the first of your 23 pix i haven't seen yet.
the room is pink as is the facia board on the top right of this wonderful building. surprisingly the lines don't bother me at all. i rather like the way they divide the photo.
i hope your journey's across streets are often so beautiful. this was indeed a "place to be".
p.s. i shall take a very slow journey through these 23 (now 22) and enjoy each one.
i never can stop to walk through Riga with eyes up. but i don't do it like a tourist. i do it like a lover.
2008-07-03 // 15:20:20 themagicbus bella! ciao Luis
2008-07-03 // 12:06:20 arnevandermeer schön,
noch schöne wäre die welt ohne all die verdammten kabel.
ich muss gestehen, ich steh total auf diese kabel.