2008-08-25 // 22:49:48
Are you at college in Austin?
So you've moved out of home? That's a pretty amazing time in life, living alone for the first time with loads of other people in the same postion, of the same age.
Arabic, huh? That's pretty different.
I haven't had much news, just been working so pretty vomit seemed as good a starting point as any. I did become a godfather last weekend and got myself a new suit for the occassion, it's a grey 50's/60's affair like Sean Connery wore when he played Bond. That's my big news.

2008-08-25 // 15:13:27
It's like pretty vomit
DAN!!! what the hell?? haha. the first time i hear from you in ages and THIS is what you have to say haha. guess what?

....i live in austin now! and i'm taking arabic this semester! weird huh?

2008-07-08 // 11:32:53
very nice ^^
you're always so nice :) thank you