2008-07-16 // 00:15:37
and to be honest I thinkit is the best of everthing I ever herad about yourlittle one, that he tells you when he does not want to be photographed. That's strong self awareness and learning what he wants and expressing it and...yes you know all that but to me these things rae miracles :-D
in fact, he's learning that and language too at the moment. It goes very fast : every day brigns new words, better and better sentences, he wants to be understood and makes some real efforts in order to get that from us. very touching to observe this little guy, with ideas but not enough words to express them, and decided to get vocabulary as fast as possible.

2008-07-16 // 00:14:36
I hope I'll be able to capture mine then...that's the only little melancholic worry I feel when I see such love, beauty and observed hapiiness of growing up.
Thanks so much for sharing!

2008-07-15 // 23:59:31
I just love your children and the way you capture them. This is a perfect example, he looks amazing.
anatole is a perfect model; altough now he starts to say "no photo" from time to time... poor boy, he must be fed up with his pola-daddy he will have thousands of pics of his youth, hope he'll be happy with it later on.. Thanks for the compliment, Lia.