2008-08-05 // 11:02:59
me muero de risa!!!
Pero, mira, hay un viejo vagabundo en la plaza del Sol llorando porque segun el un chaval de valencia le ha robado su dientes... tienes cojones!!!!

Qué puedo decir? Era él o yo... y me acababa de pedir una bocadillo de calamares, con lo que me corría prisa.

2008-07-20 // 17:30:45
of course ! I think I want a timple myself, we should go to the unfriendly man in the music shop in Thanta Cruth (notice my canarian pronunciation). We should buy the little submarine as well and do a yellow submarine part II film with bandoleros scenes. Oh, so many ideas, such a short life....
Done, misterrr, done...

2008-07-20 // 10:59:02
I forgot to mention the wonderful lick-a-delic timple. I can't wait to hold this lovely instrument full of saliva in my little mortal hands
Hey, hey, that's a verrrrrry, verrrrrry nice idea! If i take it to Tenerife, do you think you could make sweet music with it, maybe for a certain soundtrack?

2008-07-19 // 17:11:02
Ay,ay,ay un bandolero muy pericoloso y desgustante
I really don't know what to say, your comment is so beautiful...

2008-07-17 // 15:58:39
this is what i usually sing along when i hear the song on radio.
Are you seriously telling me Julito Iglesias is a hit in Austria?! With a song about 15 years old?! And... that you like singing it along?! My eyes and mouth are wide open in atonishment. Ok, not really.

2008-07-17 // 00:36:20
Traslation..... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?

U are the authentic mexican bandolero, Speedy Gonzalez, Dios, qué he hecho para tenerte cómo amigo, i can´t understand, señor de la cañita.
Kisses besos

Te pone el timple-sexy? Sabía que sí...

2008-07-17 // 00:35:14

Mucho tiempo libre...

2008-07-16 // 18:45:36
porque me vida alora es tu mi si

This is the best version of the song ever written.

2008-07-16 // 18:44:33
i especially like the pompons dangling from your sombrero. that's hot.

I was wearing no trousers.

2008-07-16 // 16:15:49
Solo falta el sonido. Would you do us a favor and record a karaoke for us?

Happy birthday to the young chick.

I'm a bandolero.
I suspect you're mixing it up with a mariachi.
Don't do so. I'm deadly. Lethal.
I mean... as concept.

The thing that looks like a little guitar is a sexy six-stringed machine gun. My singing would kill anyone in a 2 square kilometers area and all the survivors (if there are any) would be circumcised or pregnant, depending on their genre and/or religious beliefs.

2008-07-16 // 15:32:09
Excuse me, but I can celebrate my birthdays in any order I want. What law says I have to have them in the right order?
Ok, i'll say it. If you really want to know, i'll say it: You will confuse the birthday-candle- seller.

Ok, you made me say it. But hey, if you have no conscience and don't give a damn about the poor man, go ahead and break his spirit, you damn birthday anarchist.

2008-07-16 // 15:15:05
No, not any more. I'm 46 now.
Not according to my files, madame. You shouldn't multiply your age by seven, you're not a canine.
Now i see, actually you're 6.5714 years old.

2008-07-16 // 15:03:23
I did wonder about that, but then I decided you must have gone to the beauty salon and had moustache extensions. And tongue epilation too, obviously.
You liar, you're not 45.

2008-07-16 // 14:56:41
Aaaah! Oh God. This is the single most FLABBERGHASTING Polaroid diptych of a bandolero with an undersized hat taken in Valencia that I I have EVER set eyes on in my WHOLE LIFE! And you even grew your teeth especially for my birthday? That's love for you.

I have two loaded guns and I am firing volleys of bullets right into my monitor now and crying, "Arriva arriva iiii-ha" in the sheer ecstacy of this moment! Thank you.

Thank you, i'm happy you liked it. I hope you appreciate the difficulty of sticking a fake moustache onto a real one.