2007-02-07 // 22:29:00
Well done.
heheh thank yOOou :D
a lot of reading! hehehe

2006-05-21 // 13:55:22
I was going to sate you must be the evil twin, although you recycle so therefore you can't be.

Unless of course it's some sort of dastardly plot......

hehee no plot.. but i recycle.. ehhe
i am the non evil one :D hehehe
no we are both non evil.. i am the sarcastic one.. hehee

2006-05-20 // 23:49:08
I'm like you, I love diving into a book... This picture is so great! You just emerge from knowledge and reading pleasure...
hehehe :D
diving in is the best! :D
feed me semore feed meee knowledge :D hehee

2006-05-19 // 05:49:33
thank you :D

2006-05-19 // 05:37:35
Awesome! I have to give away books all the time.
ohhh i hate giving my books away too..
hehe but they will take over of i don't get them out of here hehehe :D

2006-05-19 // 00:32:12
Nice and funny!
Be careful not to be drown!

heheheheHEHe i might!
hehe Drown in Knowledge!! hehee :D

2006-05-18 // 23:41:27
Love this pic! Muy bien....
Gracias me Amigo!!