thank you.
also thank you for looking at old uploads. it's becoming rare, unfortunately.
it's a favourite of mine. I'm glad it speaks to others as well.
2008-08-04 // 15:52:52 Urizen Nerdic comment, by the way: As far as i've seen Fuji FP-400B doesn't give any usable negatives (or my packs are too expired) And i got some 107 and 108 film that i'm nervous to use. I'm starting to love pack film as much as i loved integral!
ah, what a pity. i had hoped it is similar to 672, though i can't judge for 672, but it should be the same than 572. tried my first 672 the weekend and it was all dry. expired just recently! i seriously start to believe that the last years produced films are produced or packed in a worse manner. i had less problems with older films. well.. (the above one is 4 years expired, btw)
things like 107,8 are really old. but you never know! general tip is to expose with a bit more light and develop a bit longer for those