2008-09-04 // 11:31:03
so what has been going on since i've been away? i really like this one!
hey! good to see you back here! :) as you can see, not much went on in my gallery while you were away...!

2008-09-01 // 10:34:02
You are developing a VERY recognisable style, especially with your use of 669 and ID-UV, which is one of the most distinctive on Polanoid. I think I could recognise one of your pictures without your name being on it. Whether that pleases you or not, I don't know................!!
the nicest thing i could ever hear :) of course it pleases me! thankyou :))

2008-09-01 // 10:31:26
Yes - I will be weighing down my suitcase with my 600SE and also a Petri 7s 35mm with Kodak colour slide film. I put my FP100C and the 35mm film in a lead-lined bag so that it can pass thru the Eurostar luggage scanners without getting fogged. Any digital pics I want to take, I use my cellphone camera. My attitude to digital is that it is incredibly useful and versatile and I would never be without some sort of digital camera, but it does not INTEREST me and I do not really see any artisitic possibilities. Real film (Polaroid/Fuji, 120 medium format and 35mm) is what EXCITES me!

2008-09-01 // 09:04:28
Sounds like quite a good idea - although I will be in Andalucia, Spain, on holiday soon, so should get some sun (and Polaroid opportunities!) there
sounds nice ;)

2008-08-31 // 18:23:19
Summer has forgotten to come to England this year...................!!!
you should swap with Bp!! :)

2008-08-31 // 17:49:38
I don't know why but I'm quite sure you'll like the mood!
And this thing:»link
(I knew i could find such a picture...Je suis sûr que ça te poursuit!:)

marrant, je connaissais la chanson de Travis mais pas le clip ;) magnifiques paysages écossais qui doivent rappeler de bons souvenirs à Gotnc... par contre j'aurais mis un peu plus de pluie dans le clip, histoire d'être raccord avec les paroles ;)
et emily the strange... haha. j'ai eu ma période, il y a qqs années: »link

2008-08-31 // 17:19:47
I like the black stripe :)
thankyou dear :)

2008-08-31 // 17:03:28
C'est, je pense, qu'il n'a plu QUE sur la fenêtre d'émilie!
haha! c'est bien possible - mais au moins j'en ai la preuve ;)

2008-08-31 // 16:54:29
You know what? I'm gonna play some Supertramp: "It's raining again", as a raindance.
Let's hope.

ok, i'll sing "im only happy when it's rain" just for you ;)

2008-08-31 // 16:44:28
j'aime beaucoup ! je suis tellement réveillée aujourd'hui que la pluie, je ne l'ai même pas vue...
merci miss :)
quand je dis qu'elle a duré deux minutes, j'exagère - ça se calcule plutôt en secondes... t'as pas loupé grandchose ;)

2008-08-31 // 16:30:10
Well, at least it rained...
The countryside is burning downhere.

ouch :(

2008-08-31 // 16:12:02
Uninteded but useful :)
Here it doesn't rain since ages.
30° today, sunny as usual.

it's back to sunny right now. the rain didnt last more than 2 minutes!