2008-10-06 // 18:00:28
*nice* !!

2008-09-15 // 18:44:40
i missed this.

i'm now beating myself with a stick, cos i lvoe it.

2008-09-13 // 10:14:33
Nice nice nice!

Greater shot after shot!

2008-09-10 // 00:41:09
Rien de tel qu'une petite robe et une machine à laver pour donner des idées coupables à un homme...

j'aime beaucoup la composition sinon.

hihihi :)
merci cécile!

2008-09-09 // 16:58:42
so sad that legs are out of the frame ;-)

2008-09-07 // 06:40:27

Vintage, voguish appliance store poster. Gleaming television game show prize. Still from a domestic musical in which housewives in ritzy gowns dance while they mop and peel carrots.

haha. well described, girl. I feel like a 50s housewife now. Except i cant cook properly :)

2008-09-06 // 01:22:17
En fait on croirait l'optique d'un appareil photo... compare (de loin) avec la dernière image de miss supp...
ah ouais, pas faux. Ptêtre pour ça que beaucoup de polanoidiens affectionnent les machines à laver ;)

2008-09-06 // 01:14:21
It's a pity (for the dresses)
Fuck your neighbourhood!
I'm fine thanks.
Hum! headache!
So I'm right for the trash button!
Your next nickname will be HULK.

yup you were right about the trash button - you got the eye ;)
Hum... Hulk??? (am i green or something?)

2008-09-06 // 01:07:22
Tell us the truth, this is not a washing machine: it's a camouflage of HAL 9000's eye.
Like it.

haha, no it's a real washing machine! :) it's kinda broken and i need to get rid of it but it's too heavy for me to carry downstairs - so just thought i'd make the best of it before we say goodbye ;)

2008-09-06 // 01:03:04
this shot is very emotive for me, as much of yours, I love the topic of the composition, très quotidien.

I'm not sure but, about the framing, could be useful check the rangefinder in some way to calibrate it.

well i guess the reason why i find it difficult is because im used to my 340 that has two separate windows - one for framing, one for focusing. The 180 has a single window, so what you see in the range finder is not exactly what you get in the picture - so frustrating! have no idea how to calibrate it though. what do i need to do?
anyway thanks so much for your comment. Really glad you like it. I always find your shots very emotive too. thanks :)

2008-09-06 // 01:01:45
Hum I can't trash it any more am I wrong?
too late ;p

2008-09-06 // 00:57:26
Why don't you take the same on a fridge!

You wearing a dress!

Hope you feelt good.

hehe, j'ai casé le fridge à la place de machine à laver - du coup c'est elle qui se retrouve au milieu du salon ;)
me wearing a dress => it's *only* in pictures...
i felt okay except for the neighbor in front spying on me probably wondering what the hell i was doing sitting on a washing machine!!
[was totally hungover yesterday!]

2008-09-06 // 00:42:33
loving this sweets!
hey thankyou dear! glad you do :))

2008-09-05 // 23:10:06
legs or not I like this one.
love the light. especially on the arm.

thankyou, orez! still kinda pissed off with the framing, but i do like the light too - thankyou :)

2008-09-05 // 22:36:07
its still a wonderful photo


glad you think so! thanks dear

2008-09-05 // 22:36:07
I love washing machines
expecially the spin music!

hehe, me too :)