2008-10-09 // 16:32:55

beautiful self--
how are you? :)


Oh! hi there!
glad you wrote..

it is a long time I have not touched a polaroid camera... two weeks! ;)
I'm getting a bit bored with these expired vanishing old pictures:
want more COLORS!

besides, I'm working hard but my weekend starts tomorrow
(always free on friday ;)

take care,


2008-09-29 // 16:32:56
finally got hands on a film older than you :-P ?

(film is in the list, btw. not under rollfilm, but simply '42'. I asked for a few missing a while ago.)

I was not so happy (see this portrait) to discover that I'm older than this film too... ;)

Thank you for the "42" tip: the color picture under this tag led me astray.

ps: rollfilm is cool! :)