2008-10-28 // 21:49:31
A cute fool!

2008-09-29 // 16:47:00
His hands, so refined on this brutal piece of machinery... His angel looks... You should see my dentist, with his cruel & greedy grin !
Well, at least you know that your dentist enjoys his work. That must be a consolation.

2008-09-29 // 15:42:38
ihr seid alle so verdammt fotogen. itzik sieht so süss aus wenn er so überrascht dreinschaut wie ein von rechts angepinkeltes kleines affenbaby.
Du glaubst gar nicht, wie schwer das meistens ist, von ihm ein süßes Bild zu machen. Ich versuche das immer wieder, aber er kippt sein Kopf ganz komisch nach hinten, dass man fast nur einen riesen Nacken von ihm sehen kann, und dann lächelt grimassen-artig und hält die Hände ganz seltsam. Ich habe ihn aber diesmal gesagt, "Du bist ein Affenbaby und ich habe Dich gerade beim Bohren angepinkelnt. Und jetzt schau nach oben. Ja, ja, ja, bleib so..."

2008-09-29 // 13:49:30
mein gott! vorsprung durch spezialisierung! would he get kicked out of the german dental union for drilling a wall? I build walls and drill holes in them regularly, but I'm allowed to look after my own teeth too, I really cherish my freedom.

(the subtle innuendo of such a fine long tool and how far it would reach is not lost on me, but your dentist's preference for 240v tools rather than air-driven is already giving me nightmares)

Oh, no, they wouldn't throw him out for drilling a wall. Just cuff him lightly across the head and chuckle avuncularly. Which in many ways, is worse.

2008-09-29 // 11:17:35
ahah, it looks like my last xposed shot :p
You are all such twisted creatures. I present you with innocence and all you see is depravity.

2008-09-29 // 10:51:09
Esther : my dear favorite crackpot;)
So subtle, too.

I believe you may be reading something into this which actually stems from your own twisted mind. The artist's intentions here were perfectly chaste, I assure you.

2008-09-29 // 10:41:44
Tell your model, choco makes him look suntanned.
Like a choco-choco man. Only hairy. (Do they do hairy chocolate these days?)

2008-09-29 // 10:27:43
nein nein nein, ich habe kein karies, ich will nicht, neeeeeeeeeein
Entspann Dich. Gleich zwickt es ganz leicht. Das ist normal.

2008-09-29 // 10:08:19
what a dinky little drill ! what a long masonry bit !

anyway I resolved to stop being trite, polanoid is just full of waffle and we could all discuss the pictures a bit more. Lovely pictures Esther, I like the attention to detail.

He's a dentist. You didn't think he'd try to drill the wall with that, did you?