2012-05-28 // 12:10:49 OsloPolaroid like
2009-03-28 // 11:46:13 nomis muaha VOTE!!! ^^
2008-11-09 // 21:01:07 Jetsetter23 Nice! I'm not even all that into tattoos...but I am fully digging the detail of the red button! :-D
2008-10-10 // 17:21:34 kookirjain now that's a tattoo with attitude :)
2008-10-08 // 21:01:23 audret it's a tattoo ! cool...
2008-10-08 // 17:49:09 themagicbus cool!!! VandF all the life!!!! Luis
2008-10-08 // 16:35:11 Mrlavinyl It's yours?