2008-10-20 // 20:11:49
nice contrast in colors.
sorry missed this comment...

thanks very much, happy you like!

2008-10-20 // 18:07:31
those crazy pieces of plastic shit- such crazy lights! on yours i like them, on mine i hate them!
the grass is always greener!

2008-10-19 // 22:55:24
i like the bottom one alone to pieces.
nice to see work from somebody who has an idea what results this wrecked films and cameras can give.
you probably will answer now, eh, no. haha.

(but i'm sorry i can't vote, the top one reminds me just too much how cold and wet it is right now)

i was a bit dissapointed by everything really. i walked for hours and hours alone and all i wanted was some nice shots and these weren't it...

but the solitude was good.