2008-10-28 // 12:56:17
haven't we already had a conversation about masks? I think you have a bit of a fetish for them too. you seem to have a wide collection!

you never know when it might come in useful...!

I don't have that many masks, but you should see how many wigs I have. It's like a scary Immelda Marcos thing.

2008-10-28 // 12:09:13
i love these...love love love them. masks do it for me every time.
Ah. Thank you for divulging that useful piece of information.

2008-10-27 // 18:36:01
siehe anderen kommentar ... ;)

2008-10-26 // 12:12:55
and the painting even.

(meinst du das ernst? mit der eieruhr?)

Ah, at last somebody notices all the hard work that was involved here, varnishing and polishing the walls and wall-hangings.

Of course I'm serious. My camera has a sort of wind-up cake-timer on the back.

2008-10-24 // 22:42:10
so 'early 20th century'
two women, two rooms? uneconomical...

Ah but it meant more photographic variation, because she had the Green with Envy room and I had the Nautically Naughty room and there's a big difference, as you can see. And you needn't worry - there are some nautical shots coming up in which we have two women in one room. I'm saving them up till last.

2008-10-24 // 15:00:17
so perfect!!!
Thank you.

2008-10-24 // 14:14:05
Das ist auch klasse (aha, "das Telephon"!) und auch dieser General auf dem Zeitungs-Cover ist toll ausgewählt.
Danke. Der Mann auf der Zeitung ist reiner Zufall, aber ich finde den Detail auch schön. Ich glaube, es war tatsächlich ein in Unehre gefallener Polizei-Chef.

2008-10-24 // 14:05:17
wonderful mood
Thank you very much.

2008-10-24 // 13:39:05
wunderschön! oh wie scheeeen!
wie funktioniert der selftimer mit dieser kamera? mit meinem selftimer würde das nämlich nicht klappen.

Es gibt hinten ein eingebautes Rädchen, was so funktioniert wie eine aufziebare Eieruhr. Hast Du auch sowas? Man stellt vorne neben dem Objektiv den Hebel auf V, dann zieht man das Rädchen auf, dann drückt man auf den beiden Auslöser (das weiße Teil vorne, dann den roten Knopf oben). Das Rädchen fängt dann an, sich zu drehen und nach 13-15 Sekunden macht die Kamera ein Bild. (Man muss halt vorher fokussieren und die Zeit und Blende einstellen. Die Belichtungszeit geht aber nur bis eine Sekunde.)

Ich habe das Gefühl, es müsste noch ein Weg geben, eine genaue Zeit einzustellen, aber das hat bei mir auch noch nicht funktioniert.

2008-10-24 // 11:39:52
haha, brilliant!! thats something i love with selfportraits / selftimers - that last minute panick before you hear the click, and have to improvise something interesting/not too boring on the spot. It's usually then that you realise you got the wrong settings / your camera falls over / your phone rings - which is most likely to make selftimer shots full of funny surprises ;)
It certainly makes for a spontaneous result. I haven't done much with self-timer before, so I'm just discovering this new realm of charming accidents.

2008-10-24 // 11:32:26
Thanks. (I'm starting to wonder if the Webmeister has given you a special Polanoid nipple-alert feature...)

2008-10-24 // 11:27:54
Thank you very much.

2008-10-24 // 11:23:49
i was gonna ask if it was you in the picture. i love the fact that it's a self portrait. Very interesting and intriguing mise en scène, as always.
It was early in the morning, I had just got up and I actually only wanted to use up the Choco film that was in the camera so that I could put in UV-ID for later session.

The pose was an accident. I jumped onto the bed, picked up the paper ready to pose in another way, but then the phone fell over, so I reached over very quickly to correct and get back into position before the timer... CLICK... too late.

2008-10-24 // 11:21:02
yes beautiful !
Thank you!

2008-10-24 // 11:07:14
wow, beautiful series!! vf
Thank you.

I took this with the selftimer while I was in London with Carmen.

Two hotel rooms, two women, two days, and most of the time, no clothes.