2008-10-28 // 00:46:40
I'm sorry bee-lee it is a wonderful shot, please forgive my assumption, the reason why I recognized this kind of reflective image at once is for the simple fact that long ago I took a similar photo of leaves falling from a tree on a bank by a local canal into the water. After I printed the photo I happened to notice how other worldly the image looked upside down. I simply cropped the photo in the darkroom and printed it upside down, although I did readily confessed to anyone who inquired, how I cheated to get the photo.
But you were able to see what you wanted ahead of time and captured this image in-camera, upside down with perfect alignment of the horizon and ground er.. sky.
I've been looking at your work that you've shared with us, and I must say that I'm consistently impressed.
Welcome aboard bee-lee!
Kind regards, David

aaahhhh, there's no need for sorry! i appreciate your comment very much! and thanks for the warm welcome! :-)

(sorry for my late reply!)

2008-10-27 // 01:58:25
I guess you turned the image upside down? It makes the sky appear to be filled with mysterious floating leaves that never land on the water...
i turned the camera upside down while i was taking this picture ;-)

2008-10-27 // 00:58:32

2008-10-26 // 23:43:31