2008-11-10 // 17:43:52
haha, true you can't see much...but yes, i think its the maleness...but people get funny about such things, and some people are over sensitive about their kids. I just always think xposed is better for things like this simply because the people looking in xposed are looking for cock...and therefore you get a much more...er...how shall i put it...receptive audience ;)
hahahah! yeah - you are definitely correct. i shall use this as my personal 'test' of tolerance. there's no self-love so hopefully all will be well!

2008-11-10 // 10:47:08
maybe this should go in the xposed section....
I think this is ok here. It's not 'erotic' or anything. I did a peek through other nudes in this section and this seems in line. The biggest difference is that it's of a male as opposed to a female. I think what I read once about posting nudes here was this - if you child saw this would you make them look away? I'll certainly keep an eye on it. Thanks!