2008-11-26 // 22:54:55
Lajos Gombos
the errors is very important! in my favorite's pictures there are lot of errors, for example: emulsion error, is wrong composition, wrong (but i very like) pictore frame, dirty negative... »link
There is in the bottom-left corner a girl on the sea waves!

2008-11-26 // 22:04:31
Lajos Gombos
great panorama! congrat lihaga. vote. and nice there are some error on the left!
hey...thanks lajcsi !
yes I do milke errors on the left too but don't really like this panorama !
maybe because it doesn't looks like what I had in mind...or just because of the composition....
but hey...I'll keep testing things !
I do "like" errors...huh !

2008-11-20 // 08:39:20
cela me semble trop rigoureux pour toi, non ? c'est pas toi !
un travail de commande ça fait toujours plaisir au client ! ha ha ha... Mais le bleu est beau comme le bleu de tes yeux, trés polaroid !

ah ben si...j'ai des allants rigoristes parfois !!!
ça doit être l'effet de la bonne mère !!!

2008-11-17 // 01:24:04
This is fabulous
and the rabbit jump out of the hat !!!!

héhé...thanks urizen !

2008-11-16 // 22:20:04
McKenzie's got the idea. Pretty stuff!
yeah mckenzie makes me laugh a lot but he is quite right....
thanks for the stuff !!

2008-11-16 // 20:26:20
it's like a new haircut, your friends like it, but you don't
hahahahahahahahaha.. ....

2008-11-16 // 18:58:25
wonderful composition!
ah...glad if you like it....
I don't really !!!

2008-11-16 // 18:42:13
moi aussi j'aime bien...
ha..hé bien ravie que ça te plaise aussi gotnc !

2008-11-16 // 18:39:55
moi j'aime beaucoup ...
ah..hé bien ravie que ça te plaise marion !

2008-11-16 // 18:23:18
Awful??? Why???

You've an original & very interesting way of assembling panoramic mosaics, I like these very much....and, BTW, this place is beautiful, where have you taken this???

(p.s. I don't like id-uv films very much, I've a large stock of these but I rarely like the colors! - but in this case I like your blue tones)

not enough light...don't like the composition...
but yeah...like the blue tones...even if I'm not either a fan of iduv film...

the place is in the tags !