2008-11-21 // 13:11:22
I'm not mocking the stick people.

I particularly likes the "possibly stick zombies" one. Of course they are.

If the stick cat has stick fleas, then the stick zombies must have stick scabies.

Oh God. And stick festering lesions.

I'll never sleep again.

2008-11-21 // 12:53:47
fucking brilliant tags. you genius.
You fool. Do not mock the stick people! You may provoke them and I fear that the cat has stick fleas.

2008-11-21 // 11:03:37
Yes, I must admit you're right about the stick people... Go on then, do as you must !

2008-11-21 // 10:32:27
Esther, like I think I already said, you should warn me the day before you post pix... Damn ! Everytime my heart goes BOOM !
And as you can tell today, I am not even refering to your somptuous nudity here ;)

But Phillipe, THERE IS NO WARNING when the stick people come. They just appear.
Sorry - I got your l's and p's the wrong way round.